Pro-Abortion Sex-Ed

San Diego Unified school district. Their sex ed curriculum came up in the news the other day. I wanted to see exactly what they’re sharing with our kids.

I went to the school’s website. It says the lessons are provided by Advocates for Youth, “which is funded and supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and who collaborates with the California Department of Education”.

Okay, I don’t know anything about them.

I clicked the link and it brought me to the front page of their website.

This is the first video that popped up:

This is straight up advocacy. The narrator says “We need to make sure abortion is available in our communities.” How is this sex education?

This group is called Advocates for Youth, that’s who runs the sex education program at San Diego Unified and I’m’ sure at many other schools nationwide, maybe your kid’s school.

I thought, “Slater, maybe the actual curriculum isn’t as bad as this video.”

The first lesson for sex ed is about transgenders and homosexuality. The very first lesson.

The intro to the 6th grade sex ed curriculum says that throughout the curriculum they use “they” instead of “him or “her” and refers to “someone with a vulva” as opposed to a girl.

They say it is important to remember that “someone can have a penis even if they don’t identify as a boy or a vulva even if they don’t identify as a girl.”

Do you trust these people? Do you trust these people to teach your kids proper sex education?

Parents, don’t be scared. Teach your kids the proper information yourself. If you don’t, someone else will.

If you don’t, these people will.