I’ve decided to go back and listen to each Christian Parenting podcast episode we have done so far. Each episode is about 40 minutes and full of insightful information from amazing mentors and parents. I feel like it would be a shame to just hear it once without pausing, reflecting and diving deeper into each point. If I hear something once, it stays on the surface. If I go over it a few times, it becomes more ingrained in my heart.
I started with Buz Mayo, my best friend’s dad. Father of two, amazing man of God and man I admire. He is a man of depth. I live too much in my head and struggle to dig into my hart. Buz lives there and it shows how much he loves.
Check out this line, “We wanted our home to be a haven. We wanted their relationship with God to be something that wasn’t only in a church building or only a Christian school. If the home wasn’t a place where they could come home and cry or brag or relax, then we knew something was out of place.”
How did they do this? How did they make Jesus more than something that we put in a box for a few hours on Sundays?
One example, every time they heard an ambulance, they would pray for the people who the ambulance was going to help. Devvie (Buz’s wife) would pray. The kids would follow her model.
Why did this work so well? Because it was spontaneous.
“The thing many parents feel shame about is they don’t do regular daily devotions very well. And we didn’t either. We tried, but instead, we would often stop in the middle of activities or dinner and just say, ‘We need to pray about the Joneses, or Michael’s new adventure or Katie’s new school friends.’ We would do it purposefully and spontaneously, so they would get the idea that this isn’t’ tied to a church building.”
In Philippians 2:11, Paul says that “Jesus Christ is Lord.” He did not say that Jesus is Lord of Sundays from 9:30-11. The great missionary S.M. Zwemer said, “Unless Jesus is Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.”
I love the Mayo’s effort to make Jesus the culture of the home.
How do you do this? What intentional efforts have you made to do this?
CLICK HERE to listen to the entire podcast. The section we talked about in this post starts around 7:00.